HPT has chosen the path of innovative entrepreneurship

HPT has chosen the path of innovative entrepreneurship

Developing from the wind of innovation

In the 1990s, the socio-economic context of our country was very difficult.

HPT has chosen the path of innovative entrepreneurship
HPT’s young human resources are ready to develop creative startups


HPT providing IT services and application development to customers in Vietnam was an inevitable choice because this was its core competency at that time.

HPT representative said that the big problem of IT businesses is fluctuating resources, HPT also encounters this problem.

“We started with effort and diligence, not only in terms of capital but also in building scientific management in business administration in the spirit of becoming true entrepreneurs with extensive knowledge. .

Continuously build value

HPT is considered by the domestic and foreign IT community to be a company with strengths and development potential, has its own pride, is one of the best places to work in the IT industry… has many values.

One of the great values ​​of HPT is the data warehouse, intellectual property and training lecture system.


In addition, HPT has built a comprehensive source code management system for products such as SAALEM (a solution to digitize credit business processes), HPT SmartNOC (a comprehensive IT system monitoring solution depending on the your high volatility), HPT CSEP().

HPT’s data warehouse also includes lecture systems and internal training materials.

Recently, HPT has successfully implemented many IT application projects, built infrastructure and ensured information security.

HPT is also a responsible enterprise in the IT community and society, an active member of industry associations and the business community of Ho Chi Minh City, and is appointed by the leaders of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the leaders of the City. HCM awarded certificates of merit. city.

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Belief in creative entrepreneurship

“We are living in the era of globalization, in the 4.0 industrial revolution, the era of the Internet, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI)… With new development dynamics, in the In this new phase, HPT maintains the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation. It can be said that this is the second beginning and we put our faith in the young generation”, Mr. Dinh Ha Duy Linh, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director HPT,


In the first years of its existence, HPT only had a small capital of 400 million VND (equivalent to 36,000 USD at that time).

According to him.

“Overcoming the age of 30 is entering a new phase. The desire to start an innovative business will be the aspiration of all HPT employees and we will implement this goal according to our development strategy until the end. 2030, about Op vision to 2035, is the strategy inherited through 30 years of development of HPT, with the goal of becoming a leading technology company in the field of IT – communications and solutions and services.

Table of Contents

    Many memorable milestones

    Over 30 years of formation and development, HPT has gone through many stages:

    The “Startup” phase (1995-2000) is to determine development goals, choose business direction and own specific service solutions.

    The “Development” period (2001-2010) was the period when HPT broke through with rapid growth in revenue and resources, successfully implementing many important IT application projects for agencies and businesses. Vietnam, Government… and HTP. is a senior partner of the world’s leading IT companies such as Oracle, HP, IBM, Microsoft.

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    During the “Transformation and Innovation” period (2011-2020), HPT has made strong changes in organizational structure, focusing on improving operational efficiency through improving service quality and management quality. reason.

    During the period of “Creativity overcoming difficulties – Sustainable growth” (2020-2024), HPT has grown strongly, developing specialized applications and product solutions under the HPT brand, becoming a company with high revenue. Revenue higher than 1,000 billion VND.

    And now HPT is entering the “Breakthrough” period (2025-2035) with new strategies.


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